Treasures and “tragedies” on the Trail! Unusual, interesting, cool things we’ve seen on our walks through town!
We’ve been doing a lot of walking since COVID! We’ve seen a lot of unusual things in yards, fields, and mostly on the road! Some things you just have to take a picture of because of how unusual it is in juxta position to its location. (Check back often for more pictures!)
It’s Christmas in July! So, we were walking through an alley in town and stumbled upon this. Definite tragedy. These guys were bundled up in a trash bag and put out to the curb. Yep, trash. No longer wanted. Aweeee. I know. What to do with stuff when you no longer want it. It’s hard to throw away Christmas decorations. We have boxes that have stuff in them we don’t use or want. We don’t have the nerve to throw them out. Although, the cookie ornament that stunk to death and had things crawling in it, went directly in the trash. No remorse. Well maybe a little, since someone made it for us!
So, we stumbled upon this gem! It took all the restraint that I had to keep Rick from picking it up and eating it! Hmmmm, I always try to surmise how things end up where they are when we see them. This was a deliberate “put it down” not a “throw it out the window” kind of plate. It looks like there might have been some corn and mashed potatoes involved. But, the burger. Why? Why wouldn’t someone eat that burger? THAT’S they mystery??? It looks like a perfectly good burger. I’m sure some animal will enjoy it! If Rick didn’t already come back for it, unbeknownst to me! Hahahaha!!!
This is the absolute most tragic thing we’ve seen while walking! It was a mind blowing thing for sure. HOW does a dead turkey end up on the sidewalk??? What was he doing in town? Sooooo weird! He looked okay. I mean as okay as you can look WHEN YOU’RE DEAD!!! We saw a dead cat one time, but it was obvious it was hit by a car! What do you think happened to this guy? What a pile of emotions!
So we’re walking along and stumble upon THESE!!! Yep, men’s underwear. Tighty whities! XL I’m guessing. I didn’t look. I also assume because the way they are nested that they are new and not used. Again, I didn’t check!!!! But, how do you think they ended up on the sidewalk. Don’t you think if someone dropped them, they would be like, “oh, I dropped something”??? And, they are out of the pack. It’s fascinating how they might have ended up on the sidewalk. And, how long do you think they’ll stay there before someone takes them home or throws them in the trash. I can see it now. Some dude walks buy and says, “wow, perfectly good underwear”!!! I once saw a study that claimed most men don’t buy their own underwear. First Mom buys the underwear, and then their girlfriend or wife. E-gads! Rick, for the record, buys his own underwear. And, these were a little big for him!!!
Oh, this one’s easy!!! We found the FORK IN THE ROAD!!! Ha ha! You make a left at the fork in the road. We literally found the fork in the road!
Take a look at this fork! Do you like forks that have those fancy handles! Not me. I get rather grossed out by them at other people’s houses! I know, weird, right???? I have special silverware that I inherited from each of my parents. It was a broken set. My mother took some when they got divorced. My father had some. I had some. It’s from a rose pattern–I think when Gulf Oil gave them as a promotional item when I was little. My father worked in the Marketing Dept. of Gulf Oil Corporation. Anyway, I love that silverware. I hide it from everyone. Too many forks have ended up in the trash by accident…or the prongs bent. We can’t have that! They aren’t super valuable except to me. Do you have a favorite fork or spoon? And, what about the spork! I don’t have any sporks!
Well someone is going to be missing a fork when they get to work or school. I guess they’ll have to use the next best thing, their fingers! Do you have that voice of your mom in your head??? Don’t eat with your fingers! Use your fork! Ummmm, I can’t. I don’t know where it is? Hmmmm, did you check the middle of the road????
This one! This one? This one. This one, I can’t figure out–no way, no how. It’s a mattress on a fence in Downtown Chambersburg. Why is it there? Who put it there? Hmmmmm. Maybe someone didn’t know where to dispose of it??? And, it was the middle of the afternoon. Shouldn’t someone have called someone to remove it! Oh, maybe they are waiting for someone who needs a used mattress!!!! OMG! It made me laugh!!!!
So this. A shopping cart in the middle of a vacant lot in an otherwise business district. Far away from any place with shopping carts!
This is why Aldi charges a quarter to use their carts. You get the quarter back! (Always wanted to be a quarterback)! I never have a quarter and have to carry my stuff, overloading my body with falling groceries!
This cart served its purpose, whatever it was. Maybe someone just having a thrill. Maybe someone needing an extra hand. Who knows. I wonder who will take it away and where they will take it?
This is an update to our previous post! This bear was sitting all alone on a bridge overpass! He looked lost and sad. Well, good news; recently we walked by a house not too far from that bridge and were pleasantly surprised to see him on a bike! I don’t know if this is where he lives…or if someone brought him here knowing he’d be happy! Either way, glad to see him having some fun and off that bridge!
This. Oh my goodness! This bear definitely has a story. We were walking and there he was sitting and waiting for his precious owner to come back for him. Did he fall out of the stroller? Did he get dropped out of a window? Hmmmm, I wonder. Someone came by and moved him to another part of the bridge. Take a look at the last picture! Will he move around like Where’s Waldo? We haven’t been by that location in a couple of days! I’ll let you know!
We’ve walked past this bench many, many times. Usually, someone is sitting on it! It’s on the Chambersburg Rails to Trails!!!! Occasionally, someone leaves something on the bench! Someone left a stuffed animal on the bench! This time, someone left an angel. A guardian angel??? It’s so funny because the sign says no sleeping on the bench!!! And, this angel is reading something? I’m guessing the Bible? It sure isn’t Time Magazine! Maybe it’s a good book? At least she isn’t looking at her phone!!!! Anyway, she is no longer there. So either someone took her home…or she flew away!!!
So, yeah, another pair of shoes! Hiking shoes! So did the person just say, “These shoes don’t fit right; they hurt my feet” and took them off right there on the spot. Or, perhaps left them somewhere where someone who needs shoes might find them? They look like they were carefully place and not thrown there. Either way, apparently no one wants them, yet!!!!! So many shoes along the trail!!!!
Well they are all the rage!!! Crocs! But, obviously someone deserted them. I didn’t see anyone nearby that looked like they were missing shoes! Perhaps someone decided they could no longer be seen in such hideous shoes. Actually, I like Crocs. I own several pairs including tye-dye! Maybe someone left them for a passerby to pick up who needed a new pair. Not sure. I have two pairs of black Crocs. One has fur. Don’t judge me please. Anyway, if you want a pair, I know where you can find them!!!
Um, yeah, it’s a kitchen sink alright! In fact, it’s everything AND the kitchen sink! I would say this is a treasure and tragedy! A treasure if you happen to need a sink; a tragedy if you are the one who has to get rid of it. I’m guessing the story behind is pretty simple, they got a new sink! It actually looks more like a bathroom sink. Anyway, why is it here? I doubt most trash collectors will take it. And, if you missed bulky pickup/drop off, you’re out of luck. And, who wants this sitting in the house or garage? They must not have a basement, because that’s where it would end up in my house. Yes, it would be “temporary”! But, do you know how many “temporary” things are in our basement. What’s that? You, too, huh! So, I guess it’s here until someone can take it somewhere else. Or, maybe they hope someone will take it! Put a for sale sign on it and someone might take it!!!!
Okay, this is definitely a tragedy! There HAS to be a story behind this!!! The possibilities are endless! First thing that comes to mind is their team lost! That’s it Orioles!!! I’m bashing my TV!!! Maybe it was XBox or Playstation. They lost and just got sooooo mad! Maybe it was enough already when watching the news!!!! Maybe they were moving the TV and ooooops, someone dropped their end!!! Or, maybe they got a new TV and thought they’d have some fun! Wouldn’t you love to know!!!!
I am amused by all of the signs we’ve seen about cleaning up your dog’s poop! This picture features two of the signs. I’ll definitely be posting the others. I have more than you would think!
Okay, I think this has to be classified as a tragedy!!!! First of all–seriously, people don’t clean up after their dog when it poops in someone’s yard. That is basic common courtesy! I don’t even like my dog walks in someone’s yard. I’d rather he poop in the street!!!
I know people forget their bags. This is when you pick it up with whatever you have. Um, you do have a used kleenex in your pocket, don’t you. This way it won’t accidentally go through the wash and create a mess.
I have mixed feelings about putting signs in your yard. But, I’m sure if you are cleaning up strange dogs poop, you would have to do something!!!!! It’s one thing to pick up your own dog’s poop. Quite another to pick up random poop!
Okay. Enough of THAT! I’ll post the other pictures at a later date!
This is a treasure! Awe, soooo cute! He’s watching the passersby! Does he want to escape? Does he want to go on an adventure? Does someone take him in when it rains? What’s his name? Is he looking to escape or is he happy? He looks happy!
This is a treasure on our walk! This old house, which actually is an apartment house, has all kinds of kitschy stuff out front! These bears in the chair are my favorite! I love that they are just lounging watching traffic go by! Though, we have seen them in various stages of unrest. They’ve been snow covered! Somehow they had some sort of mishap where the chair ended up on top of them. I don’t even want to know!!!! Poor bears! I look forward to seeing them. They bring a smile to my face!
This is a treasure and a tragedy all at the same time. A relic from the past. The phone booth. Convenience and all the germs you care to touch at the same time. Since we all have cell phones, no one needs the public pay phone anymore. And, who carries dimes or quarters? But, wait! Why is it still here? And, what happened to the actual phone. Did someone tear it out and take it home? Is this here to have a place to stand when making a call? I doubt it! Not sure why it’s still there. But, it is a throw back for sure!
So this treasure was on the sidewalk. I need to know the story!!!! Is it free and someone took the other pieces and will return for this one? Or, did the dog or kids make a stain and it had to be hosed off. I doubt that one. Hmmmm, maybe they are dividing the two sofas and just have no place for the center??? Maybe a parade is coming by later today and they want to be comfy? Or, maybe someone is just randomly giving it away. Either way, it was unusual and cool enough that I had to grab a picture!
This one is funny! A sandwich, partially eaten in the middle of the road. What’s the story behind this? Someone took a bite and thought the sandwich was awful and threw it out the window??? Or, maybe they took a bite and realized they weren’t as hungry as they thought and threw it out the window???? Or, maybe it was a kid’s sandwich and they left it on the car seat. Or, maybe someone was walking down the street eating lunch and WOOPS dropped it on the ground and decided not to pick it up! It does look like a strange marking on top as if someone sunk their teeth into it. So, I’m going with the kid sandwich. Though, it is wheat bread.
Like this! The world’s smallest Croc in the middle of the street!!!